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News of SQLiteManager

Firstly, I wish you all an excellent 2006 and that all my wishes of happiness and success in your project with you.

I have published today the new development version: 1.2.0RC2-SQLiteManager.
This will be the last before passage are stable, so it's time to test up and pull me various malfunctions.

Good luck to all, and remember the New Year

The evolution of SQLiteManager puts a lot of code in question, which forced me to set up a development branch.
This introduction comes the first 'release candidate' of SQLiteManager 1.2.0.
This version allows you to simultaneously manage the database in SQLite version 2 and version 3. The version detection is completely automatic.
Please feel free to send me the various dysfunctions that you see.
This version replaces version 1.1.3 when it is considered stable.

And yes after 6 RC, we finally got this version as expected.
What relationship with SQLiteManager?
The default activation of the PDP that provides support for SQLite3 natively with PHP.
I work very actively on the next version that will support simultaneous SQLiteManager both versions of SQLite, I think releasing a RC1 in the next few days.

I want to thank everyone who helps me, going back regularly bugs or translation. Besides, it would be nice that people help me to translate the site and helps enliven the content.

I just published a new minor version: 1.1.3
The evolutions of this version are:
  • Some bug fixes
  • Support platforms 'NetWare'
  • Added language pack
    • Traditional Chinese
    • Simplified Chinese
I work at the moment, the possibility of using both SQLite2 and SQLite3, I would love to leave this version for the anniversary project

This version is made a little wait, but without wanting to justify myself holidays, the job and then the birth of my girls did not allow me to be more efficient!

News of SQLiteManager
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SQLiteManager now is managed by the corporation WebInfoPro in order to remake to live this project all while remaining under license GPL


Vous pouvez nous contacter par email sur sqlitemanager@gmail.com

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