  • Choose between 11 languages
  • Choice of 4 display skin
  • Support SQLite2 and SQLite3
  • Fully compatible PHP5
  • Can be run on a support 'READ ONLY' to be compatible with the project 'ZAMPcd' Xavier Garreau
  • Creating a database
  • Connection to an existing database
  • Upload a database (transfer of a local machine to a remote server)
  • Managing multiple databases
  • Management database attached
  • Information
    • path
    • size
    • Read/Write Access
    • date of last modification
  • Integrity Checking
  • Optimization
  • Settings Management
  • Table Design
  • Changing Table
    • Add Column
    • Remove Column
    • modified column
  • Table Destruction
  • Managing Indexes
    • Added
    • Modification
    • Remove
  • Opérations
    • Renaming Table
    • Moving from one table to another database
    • Copy table
      • Possibility to delete the destination table if it exists
      • In the same database
      • In another database
      • Structure only
      • Data only
      • Structure and data
  • Inserting data
  • Modifying data
  • Deleting data
  • Visualization
    • Plain text or HTML
    • Full texte or troncating
  • Assistance in entering dates using 'jscalendar'
  • Assistance to the seizure in HTML using 'Spaw editor'
  • Inserting data parir a formatted text file
  • Inserting a new record from an existing record
  • Automatic handling of NULL values
  • Manual creation
  • Creating a view from a selection of data
  • Removing a view
  • Modification of a view
  • Viewing the result of a view
  • Creating a trigger
  • Editing a trigger
  • Entering Queries
  • Querying Multiple
  • Execution of requests from a file
  • Converting SQL queries from MySQL to SQLite
  • Insert field facility with a scrollable list
  • Editing query
  • Function 'Explain'
  • Execution of virtual SQL query
    • CREATE DATABASE dbname [AS dbfilename]
  • Export to SQL
  • Export from the result of a selection
Features - SQLiteManager
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SQLiteManager now is managed by the corporation WebInfoPro in order to remake to live this project all while remaining under license GPL


Vous pouvez nous contacter par email sur sqlitemanager@gmail.com

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