Creation of user defined function


To add a new user defined function, click on the link on the properties page of the database. sqlitemanager_function1.png

You are now on the screen to create this function.
There are two types of user function:
The functions of standard treatment
The group functions in this case two functions must be defined, a function will be called at each line, the other will be at the end to finalize the result it is up to you to manage context.

sqlitemanager_function2.png -> sqlitemanager_function3.pngsqlitemanager_function4.png

Enter the code of your function by failing PHP tags ().
Remember to enter the number of arguments expected by your office. sqlitemanager_function5.png


To use:
sqlitemanager_function7.png -> sqlitemanager_function8.png

Note that for all standard PHP functions there is a method to call without first declaring:
eg md5 function you can type in SQL: SELECT php ( 'md5', 'value') FROM label;

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Creation of user defined function - SQLiteManager
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