Creating a database is very simple:
The name does not necessarily correspond to the filename of the database, but it will appear in the left section. Le chemin lui doit contenir le nom de fichier de la base de données ; ce chemin peu être absolu ou relatif. The way it should contain the filename of the database, this way just be absolute or relative. Un chemin relatif à comme référence la racine de SQLiteManager. A relative path as a reference to the root of SQLiteManager.
For example, the test database provided with SQLiteManager could have been named
- test.sqlite
- /var/www/html/SQLiteManager/test.sqlite
If the database does not SQLiteManager tries to create. En cas de problème commencer toujours par verifier les droits en ecriture, si l'utilisateur apache peut créer, lire et modifier ce fichier et les divers répertoires pour y acceder. Have a problem Always check the write permission, so the apache user can create, read and edit this file and various folders to be reached.
By selecting 'Download the database' the selected file will be uploaded into the directory on the server in the default directory defined in the file. / Include /
The left window allows you to quickly navigate in the database: