Securising of SQLiteManager

How to Install Secure We now proceed to a secure facility for SQLiteManager on a Linux server with Apache installed from source.
Replace the parameter values below the values corresponding to your installation:
ServerRoot /usr/local/apache/
DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs/
httpd.conf /usr/local/apache/conf/
User apache
Group apache
The first thing to do is create a directory that contains the different SQLite, it must necessarily be accessible via Web:
mkdir / usr / local / apache / sqlitedb /
chown apache: apache / usr / local / apache / sqlitedb /
chmod 700 / usr / local / apache / sqlitedb /
Then edit the file /usr/local/apache/htdocs/SQLiteManager-XYZ/include/, the following parameters:
define ( "sqlitedb", "/usr/local/apache/sqlitedb/config.db");
define ( "DEFAULT_DB_PATH", "/usr/local/apache/sqlitedb /");
Then move the different databases:
mv /usr/local/apache/htdocs/SQLiteManager-XYZ/include/*. db /usr/local/apache/sqlitedb/
mv /usr/local/apache/htdocs/SQLiteManager-XYZ/test.sqlite * /usr/local/apache/sqlitedb/

Then, if the server is accessible via the Internet, it is strongly recommended to establish a restricted access using a user authentication.

Edit the file: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/SQLiteManager-XYZ/include/ then modify the following parameters:
define ( "WITH_AUTH", true);
define ( "ALLOW_CHANGE_PASSWD", true);

Thus, users must enter a username and password to access to SQLiteManager and an opportunity to change their password!
Different users by default are:
User Username Password
Administrator admin admin
Data data data
Guest guest guest
3 new links appear on the homepage:
As administrator, you have access to the link 'privilege' to manage groups and users.
The links are disconnection as the name implies, allows exiting.
And the link 'Change Password' allows everyone to customize his password:

Management of privileges by the administrator

Once logged in using the admin profile, you can click on the 'privileges' of the homepage. Appears list of groups and users:

You can add, delete, modify users
like changing the password for each. Attention! to create a new user's password is empty
The group management is based on the same principle:
Different privileges are to:
Properties Allows changing the properties of different objects
execSQL Authorizes the execution of manual queries
data Allows changing data in tables
Export Authorizes export
empty Authorizes the full dump table
del Authorizes the removal of objects

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Securising of SQLiteManager
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SQLiteManager now is managed by the corporation WebInfoPro in order to remake to live this project all while remaining under license GPL


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